I’ve read conflicting news about Covid-19 protocols, mostly contradicting WHO’s official reports. I decided to collect and share some data.
- WHO accepted the recommendation from the Solidarity Trial’s
International Steering Committee to discontinue the trial’s
hydroxychloroquine and the lopinavir/ritonavir arms.
- University of Minesotta’s study concludes the hydroxychloroquine did not prevent illness compatible with Covid-19.
- The Lancet retracted the chloroquine multinational registry analysis, NOT because some data bias, but due to insufficient
public data (most data were proprietary). Then WHO
went onto new studies.
- Dexamethasone seems to have positive effects on preliminary reports.
- Ivermectin has being performed well against Covid-19.
- Brazilian interim Health Minister, Eduardo Pazuello, claimed the Brazilian government has more property to deal with the
pandemic than the WHO. 🤦
- Brazilian (again) journalist Alexandre Garcia showed a live with physicists talking about a successful empirical prophylaxis including
ivermectin, vitamin D, zinc, hidroxychloroquine, and some other
medicines. However, the journalist insisted in attaching the results
exclusively to the ivermectin, while some Bolsominion physicists did
it to the hidroxychloroquine, despite all chemical interactions and
human body’s processes.
- Should I mention Trump?
We’re witnessing a research milieu’s great panic, leading to a wide misinformation.
Also in Medium.