Using a Creole Idiom

Apr. 12, 2021
Musician, senior software engineer, autistic person, and autistic parent - not necessarily in 𝓭𝓲𝓼 𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓻


Who’s used to read my posts might have noted I use terms like lotta, getta, gotta, gonna, ’cause, kinda, resumé, naïve, to be got (instead of to have), façade, ain’t (usually in place of haven’t or hasn’t), dunno (instead of don’t know), ad eterno, persona, et cetera, a lot.

This kind of informal wordbook is called Creole.

Creole languages are the most natural idioms that can be. They consist of local idiomatic expressions mixed with foreign words or variations.

Despite the formal interpretation of Creole languages (pedantic and elitist), those are the highest expression of culture growth and richness, reflected in and reflecting every subject philologically.

Creole influences exist in every natural language. My own native language, for instance, is a mix of Portuguese, Ñe’engatú, some San Marino Italian expressions, and some African and Arabic words.

So I’m very proud of speaking a Creole language and of using a Creole English in my texts. In my perception, it’s an honor.

PS: I began to think about this topic reading the Belter Creole page.

Also in Medium.